A comfortable lunch buffet! A bad time of the year!
The Silverton Casino Resort is located on Blue Diamond Road just off of I-15 at the intersection of Dean Martin in Las Vegas. The Silverton Casino has an outdoor sportsman's lodge kind of theme. A huge Bass Pro Shop that is filled with camping gear, backpacking gear, hunting and fishing equipment. Fishing tackle in the middle of the Mojave desert? Many people overlook the fact that Lake Mead and the Colorado river are only a few miles from Las Vegas! Lake Mead has one of the longest shorelines of any body of water in the world. Lake Mead is stocked with gamefish and striped bass fishing is king! I posted pictures of the Silverton Casino aquarium in an article that I wrote about the Mermaid Restaurant and lounge. Many more detailed photographs of the Silverton Casino Resort are posted in this article. Here is a link to the Mermaid restaurant review and tour of Cactus Joe's: Calamari at Mermaid in the Silverton Casino, Las Vegas ~ Cactus Joe's Blue Diamond Nursery at Blue Diamond Nevada! The Silverton Casino Resort appeals to the outdoor sports kind of people. Many of this crowd have no desire to stay at a high price luxury resort on the Las Vegas Strip. They want comfort! They do prefer the wide open spaces and an unhurried pace. That is the style of outdoorsmen! The food at the Silverton Casino Seasons Buffet is geared for regular everyday people, locals and those who live an outdoor sports lifestyle. The food is easy to recognize and the food is nicely priced. The dining area at Seasons Buffet has comfortable seating and it is very clean. Video slide show displays of the outdoors are set in picture frames on the walls of the dining room and they are interesting to view. The Silverton gained a reputation for great food during the last few years and the employees were promoted as being the type of people that took great pride in cooking good food. The steak house at the Silverton is rated as one of the best in Las Vegas. Seasons Buffet has a good reputation for perfection simple food. I dined at the Silverton Casino Seasons Buffet just after, shopping at the Ethel M Chocolate Factory east on Sunset Road. I was kind of hungry after walking through the cactus gardens and touring the chocolate factory. Seasons Buffet sounded like a good idea for lunch. The food was alright during this visit to Seasons Buffet, but it was nothing worth writing home about. There was nothing fancy about the food, but it was all fresh and it tasted good. Like I mentioned earlier, the food is geared for the regular folks and outdoor type of people. The problem was that the food lacked the luster that it had during past visits to this buffet. The reason was because the Silverton Casino and Las Vegas both have to endure the slowest 2 weeks of the year during the holiday season, before New Years. Many casinos go from a full staff to a skeleton staff during the two week holiday season lull. Many of the better employees with seniority take their vacations during this time. Off the strip casinos suffer the worst during the holiday lull and the quality of service and food can sometimes be sub par. Ce est la vie. Anyway, I was kind of disappointed with the desserts that were offered, because they had the look of frozen pre-made products and instant cake mixes. Some of the desserts were decoratively dressed up for Christmas, but like I said, they were not worth writing home about. The kitchen staff looked young and inexperienced, so that confirmed that the food was not prepared by the Seasons Buffet cooks that had more experience, because they were off for the holidays. Even the buffet waitress for my table was kind of amateurish. I ordered a diet soda and twenty minutes later the drink was slammed on my table like the waitress viewed me as being the type of customer that does not tip or something. I usually tip 20% to 25% because that is the unwritten tipping percentage by those who are in the restaurant business. The standard tipping percentage for those who are not employed in the hospitality industry is 15%. After the waitress decided to slam my glass of soda on the table, I left one measly dollar as a tip! Ce est la vie. All I can say is that I have a policy of not writing negative restaurant reviews and the review of the Silverton Seasons Buffet was right on the borderline of being negative. Every restaurant has a bad day and I just happened to visit the Seasons Buffet on a bad day during a bad time of the year. On the Las Vegas Strip, there is usually no such thing as a bad day at any restaurant during the slow holiday season. Off the strip, things can be a little bit different during the holiday lull. Maybe the subconscious reason that I chose to dine at Seasons Buffet during the holiday business lull was just to convey this point. Anyway, past visits to Seasons Buffet were much better than this recent experience. The food was particularly good during past vists. I am basically tossing this recent dining experience out the window and writing it off as a sign of the poor economic times. As New Years Eve approaches, the Las Vegas economy returns to normal and the resorts become filled to maximum capacity. I realistically expect that the food and service quality at the Silverton's Seasons Buffet will return to its normal high quality level as Las Vegas gets into overdrive gear for New Years and the convention event season. I do recommend the Silverton Casino Resort's Seasons Buffet, but I do hesitate to send readers there during the two week holiday lull before Christmas after this dining experience. Any other time of year, the food and service quality has been great at the Seasons Buffet. I hope this article gives some insight to how things can be sub par at places away from the Las Vegas Strip or anywhere when business is slow. When the volume of business is good, the quality is much better. By the way, the volume of business in Las Vegas is at a peak this New Years Eve Weekend! ... Shawna
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