"Oh no, Watch out now Havana, Here comes Godzilla!...." (Blue Oyster Cult? Ha Ha Ha!)
The idea for the wasabi jicama slaw on this sandwich came from my good friend, B (aka The Volcano Goddess of Washington State!) Volcano Goddess is my nickname for B and we write each other often. The Volcano Goddess lives at the base of a big volcano in the heart of Bigfoot territory. So, this wasabi jicama slaw idea of hers was larger than life! A cole slaw recipe idea like this deserves a name that is also larger than life. Godzilla Slaw is the most fitting name that I could think of for B's wasabi jicama slaw idea!
As a youngster and as an adult, I never miss a Godzilla movie! Godzilla is one of my favorite Japanese monsters! Born from nuclear waste and pollution, Godzilla was hell bent on destroying every building, power plant and oil refinery in Tokyo. The Godzilla stomp could be heard worldwide!
Godzilla movies always had good philosophical idealistic messages for caring about the environment, conservation and teaching people to have compassion for gigantic green monsters. I like Godzilla and naming my friend B's wasabi jicama slaw idea after Godzilla is truly a most honorable thing to do. The flavor is fantastic!
As you know, Cuban sandwiches are pressed under weight and flattened, while cooking on a dry hot grill. The Godzilla stomp would have come in handy for pressing this Cuban Godzilla sandwich flat! I only wish that Godzilla was here to press the inaugural Cuban Godzilla Sandwich flat with one of his big feet! I do realize that evil mastermind agencies have probably been confiscating my letters to Godzilla, so possibly my invitation was never received by Godzilla's secretary at the office. Ce la vie!
My Cuban friends in Florida used to hang out and watch television on a hot humid Saturday afternoons with me occasionally. Saturday afternoons are the best time to catch a Godzilla movie on television! My Cuban friends were spellbound by the Godzilla movies! They liked Godzilla too! Comments like "This movie is so estupido" were met with responses from us like "Shut up! Can't you see that we are watching a Godzilla movie?!!" Godzilla movies are serious business!
Earlier this week, I purchased some sliced turkey and more swiss cheese to make another gourmet Cuban sandwich creation with. I decided to go with the initial choice of meat and add smoked bacon for even more flavor appeal, when creating this Cuban style sandwich that was based on my friend's wasabi jicama slaw idea. The spicy hot horseradish flavor of wasabi countered the semi sweet apple flavor of the jicama in a very interesting way. The wasabi jicama slaw gave this gourmet Cuban sandwich an absolutely addictive good flavor! Not one minute passed after I finished eating the first Cuban Godzilla Sandwich and I was craving a second one. That is a good sign that a sandwich flavor is a winner!
This Cuban Godzilla is a great tasting Cuban style sandwich creation that is worth trying! I hope this sandwich gets Godzilla's stomp of approval!
Godzilla Slaw Recipe:
Place 1 small handful of very thin julienne sliced jicama into a mixing bowl.
Add 8 to 10 chopped cilantro leaves.
Add a little bit of thin julienne sliced carrot for color.
Add sea salt and white pepper.
Add 1 teaspoon of soy sauce.
Add 1/2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
Add 1 teaspoon of sugar.
Add 1 teaspoon of wasabi powder.
Mix and toss the ingredients together.
Let the Godzilla Slaw marinate for 5 minutes.
Cuban Godzilla Sandwich Recipe:
Grill 3 slices of smoked bacon on a griddle over medium/medium low heat, till they become crisp.
Set the smoked bacon slices on a dry towel to drain off any excess grease.
Split a 6" to 8" Cuban sandwich bread roll open.
Place a few thin slices of swiss cheese on one half of the roll.
Place 4 to 5 ounces of thin sliced turkey lunch meat on the cheese.
Place the crisp smoked bacon strips on the turkey.
Place a few thin slices of swiss cheese on the bacon.
Close the sandwich with the plain half of the roll.
Place the sandwich on a panini grill set to medium heat.
Close the top half of the grill on the sandwich and press the sandwich flat.
Note: For a regular grill or griddle, use this method!
Heat the griddle over medium/medium low heat.
Wrap a clean brick with aluminum foil.
Press the sandwich with the brick and leave the brick on the sandwich.
The sandwich will need to be flipped after the first side becomes toasted crisp.
After the sandwich is flattened and toasted crisp on both sides, place the sandwich on a cutting board.
Cut the Cuban Godzilla sandwich in half.
Place the Cuban Godzilla on a plate.
Garnish the plate with small gherkin dill pickles and a cilantro sprig.
Godzilla! The Cuban Godzilla is a great tasting sandwich! The flavors of wasabi, soy, jicama, turkey, swiss and smoked bacon taste very nice together on a flat crispy Cuban style sandwich. After pressing and toasting crisp, the bread takes on a pastry like texture!
I bet that many of you did not realize that the Japanese Godzilla has a cousin that resides in the caribbean waters of Cuba. He guards the recently discovered archeological find of an ancient civilization that is located undersea off of the coast of Cuba. Cuban Godzilla! Grrrrr! ... Shawna
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