The Road Kill Grill!
The Road Kill Grill is not exactly located on the Las Vegas Strip. The Road Kill Grill is not located in downtown Las Vegas. Where would one expect to find a Road Kill Grill? On the outskirts of town, where fresh roadkill runs thick and heavy! Road kill is taxi driver and trucker language for roadside restaurant food. In Pennsylvania, road kill takes on a whole different meaning, because deer that are struck by cars is considered to be legal fair game. Many folks that drive the backroads of Pennsylvania and West Virginia hit deer that are crossing the road each year. Some of those people do not have much income coming in, so they load the deer in the trunk of the car and slaughter the deer when they get home. The extra meat on the table does help to make up for the car repair bill. While living in Pennsylvania, I heard many stories about guys who hit a deer on the road and then loaded the deer in the back seat of the car. A deer can look dead as a door nail, after it has been knocked out when hit by a car. After about twenty minutes, a stunned unconscious deer usually wakes up. When a stunned deer wakes up in the back seat of a car, it absolutely freaks out and starts jumping all over the place trying to get out of the car. The driver of the car may be lucky to just get out of the car in one piece, because a good size deer will kick and bite the driver half to death. There is nothing worse than road kill dinner that comes back to life in the back seat of a car! The Road Kill Grill in Las Vegas has nothing to do with Pennsylvania style road kill. In fact, the Nevada health code enforcers frown upon any kind of dealings with old fashioned east coast style road kill. The name of the Road Kill Grill really has nothing to do with road kill. The Road Kill Grill is just a funny catchy name of a great butcher shop restaurant business. When the ranch style wooden Road Kill Grill sign is first seen, do not automatically think that this place is some kind of a haven for rednecks who make a living by driving a pickup truck slow on Nevada desert back roads in search of freshly killed buzzard bait! I do not watch television, so I had no clue about how the Road Kill Grill was recently featured on a food network TV show. The same food TV personality that hosted the World Food Championships in Las Vegas, paid a visit to the Road Kill Grill. The World Food Championships turn out to be a total scam, because the top prize went to an employee of the casino that hosted the event, so I lost all respect for that food television personality host. Even so, the exposure on TV was good advertising for the Road Kill Grill. There was a long line of customers at both the Road Kill Grill and John Mull's Meats when I paid my visit. You might say that business was booming in this Saturday afternoon! John Mull's Meats offers some great prices. This is a very special butcher shop! Customers are rewarded with extra portions and samples of John Mull's products for free. A flat of fresh eggs was the free reward for those who spent $45 dollars at John Mull's, when I shopped there. That is a very nice gesture for an old fashioned butcher to make! John Mull's Meats offers pork and beef cuts of every kind. Steamship rounds, fresh cured whole hams, whole pigs for BBQ, sides of beef and whole rib sections are available. Steaks of every kind and hard to find specialty cuts of beef like oxtail, marrow bones and cheeks are featured. The same goes for the pork. Barbecue cooks will be pleased to know that every specialty pork BBQ cut is available. A long list of pork and beef offals are offered on the butcher's menu too. Chicken, turkey, goat, geese, ducks, cornish game hen and American bison products are listed on the butcher's menu. Frog legs, catfish, rabbit and cuts of lamb are also up for sale. Prices do go down for bulk purchases of meat, so if you host a large food even, this butcher shop is the place to go. I purchased pork rib tips for BBQ, goat meat for some African and Indian recipes and some frog legs for another Louisiana style recipe. The prices were very cheap. All meats are cut to order at John Mull's, so nothing sits in a glass display case for days on end, like it does at most butcher shops! John Mull's Meats also sells their own line of smoked meat products that include smoked bacon, hog jowls, pit ham, pork chops, turkey and hocks. This butcher shop makes their own country style bulk sausage, chorizo, Italian sausage and Louisiana hot links. German sausages and many more sausage products are made at John Mull's meats. John Mull's makes lunch meats too. Head cheese, salami, sliced smoked or roasted deli style meats and pastrami are made at this butcher shop! Fresh made pastrami is the best! The Road Kill Grill is an outdoor backyard BBQ style restaurant that is set up like a rib tour or county fair style food vendor stand. Customers do not have to wait for a BBQ competition or state fair just to enjoy this kind of outdoor dining experience. John Mull's outdoor Road Kill Grill is open year round! I had some very good tasting chili and a great Louisiana Hot Link Sandwich at the the Road Kill Grill. The beef hot link sausage was made fresh in the butcher shop and it was the plumpest juiciest hot link that I ever had! John Mull's Meats does make some great sausages! Along with the Hot Link Sandwich, a large sample of BBQ sausage was in the container. This sample portion of sausage was huge and it was a pleasant surprise! The Road Kill Grill and John Mull's Meats is located on an old Las Vegas ranch style property in Northwest Las Vegas. This place is off the beaten path, but it is not hard to find. At the intersection of Rancho and Gowan in Las Vegas, follow Gowan east for a few blocks and turn north on Thom Boulevard. The Road Kill Grill and John Mull's Meats are located at 3730 Thom Boulevard about one block north of Gowan. Decatur also runs near Thom Boulevard and that route is convenient too. I highly recommend the Road Kill Grill and John Mull's Meats for local residents and visitors of Las Vegas! The John Mull's Meats butcher shop's quality and prices cannot be beat! The great food and BBQ at the Road Kill Grill will put a smile on anybodies face! Yum! ... Shawna
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